Selection guide
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      You have a question about a DIRICKX product, the compatibility, the installation and the maintenance of your products, warranties and regulations ?

      Find your answers through the themes proposed below.

        • Compatibility post/panel/privacy slat

          • Panel/Privacy fencing compatibility

            The possible combinations

            To ensure the compatibility of your products, please refer to the table below.  It presents all the possible combinations between our different models of panels and privacy fencing by DIRICKX.





            Panel compatibility

            Privacy Fencing



            ARISTA, AXOR® Classic, AXIS® S, M and C, AXYLE® MS, CS, MD and CD

            LIXO® Horizontal

            AXYLE® MS, CS, MD and CD, AXOR® CHIC, AXIS D and DR

            LIXO® + Finish

            AXOR® Classic, AXIS® S, M and C, AXYLE® MS, CS, MD and CD


            LIXO® 3D

            AXYLE® MS, MD, CS and CD

            LIXO® Wood

            AXOR® Classic, AXIS® S, M and C, AXYLE® MS, CS, MD and CD

            LIXO® TOP

            AXOR® Classic, AXIS® S, M and C, AXYLE® MS, CS, MD and CD













          • Possible combinations posts / panels / privacy fencing

            The possible combinations

            To ensure the compatibility of your products, please refer to the table on page 48 of our catalogue.  It traces all the possible combinations between our different posts, panels and privacy fencing of our DIRICKX brand. 

            See the possible associations


          • Is it possible to add privacy slats to a residential gate ?

            Privacy slats can be added to certain residential gates
            Discover in our range, the gates that can be :


            Why add privacy slats to a residential gate ?

            • Adding privacy slats to a residential gate has different advantages :
              -    Your gate matches your entire fence
              -    The slats protect you from prying eyes
              -    The slats reduce wind passage
              -    They also reduce noise
          • Quelle est la hauteur d’occultation préconisée pour ma clôture ?

            Pour une solution d’occultation optimale, il convient de prendre en compte différents éléments : sa situation géographique et l’exposition aux zones de vent, le choix du poteau mais aussi le type de pose sélectionné.

            Les zones de vent

            La résistance de nos solutions d’occultation diffère selon les zones d’exposition au vent présentes sur le territoire français. Pour ce faire, nous vous recommandons de suivre la carte du lien ci-après, qui présente les zones venteuses en France : lien vers page carte des vents (régions 1 à 4) et catégories de terrain (0 à IV)


            Le choix du poteau

            • Pour maintenir la bonne tenue dans le temps de votre clôture occultée, nous vous recommandons de prendre en compte les spécificités suivantes pour orienter le choix de votre poteau : 
              • Le poteau AXYLE®* : ajout du renfort adapté pour les zones les plus exposées au vent
              • Le poteau AXOR®
                • Hauteur limitée à 1,50 m pour des panneaux de 2 m de largeur
                • Hauteur limitée à 1,20 m pour des panneaux de 2,50 m de largeur
              • Le poteau AXIS® : adapté à l’occultation jusqu’à 1,90 m de hauteur (à vérifier en fonction de votre zone géographique).

            *Poteau le plus résistant de la gamme, occultable dans la plupart des cas.


            Le type de pose 

            La pose en scellement long est celle qui procure la plus grande résistance. Elle est à privilégier lorsque la clôture sera occultée.

            Si vous posez vos poteaux à encoches sur platine, il est préférable de ne pas dépasser 1m20 de hauteur. 

            Si vous posez les poteaux à clips AXYLE®, vous pouvez occulter jusqu’à 1m50 et même plus si vous utilisez les platines grands modèles et si vous êtes situés dans une zone où le vent est ralenti par des obstacles (habitations, arbres, etc …).

            Pour plus de clarté, veuillez vous référer au tableau de la page 109 de notre catalogue : cliquez-ici 

            En cas de doute, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par le biais du formulaire de contact : cliquez-ici
            Nous sommes là pour vous conseiller !

        • Choice of products

          • How to choose between small-fold panels, large-fold panels or flat panels ?

            Advantages depending on the type of panel

            Rigid fences, commonly referred to as ‘panels’ are available with or without folds.

            The panels with folds have a high rigidity thanks to the distribution of the folds according to the height of the panel. 

            Between the small-fold panels and the large-fold panels, it is above all a question of aesthetics and subjectivity.  The small folds are shallower (35mm), shorter (100mm high) and have a more triangular shape. The large folds are deeper (50mm) with a softer, more rounded and longer line (200mm high).

            The flat panels do not have this relief (this 3D effect) but combine finesse and rigidity thanks to the horizontal double wires.

            When privacy slats are added to the panels, the large-fold panels require larger reinforcements with rigid privacy slats, this is to be taken into account.

            Small-fold panels will be more discreet when the privacy slats are added.

            The flat panels, due to the horizontal double wires are only compatible with the LIXO® Horizontal privacy slats. This can have an impact on the choice of fence.


            Recommended combinations
            For each type of rigid panel, the recommended posts are :
            -    Flat panels : AXYLE® post (symmetry of post and panel), AXOR® or AXIS®
            -    Large-fold panels : AXIS® post for sturdiness
            -    Small-fold panels without cut-outs : AXYLE® post, to integrate the depth of the fold into the rebate (width of post)
            -    Small-fold panels with cut-outs : AXOR® post or alternatively AXIS® if privacy slats added

          • Which fence to choose for animals ?

            Depending on the types of animals you want to fence-in and protect, we can offer you different solutions.  Discover our range of agricultural fences.

          • The Protect + option, what is it ?

            The Protect + finish uses techniques that guarantee excellent corrosion resistance of the coating.
            Gates with the « PROTECT + » finish are supplied with accessories adapted to a corrosive environment.

            • DIRICKX provides a 5 or 10 year anti-corrosion warranty, depending on the product, in the most corrosive areas. These areas are described in ISO 12944-2, which represents 6 categories of corrosiveness.  Among them, 3 categories absolutely must use Protect + finishing products :
                   C4 High : This category represents for example, industrial atmospheres with high sulphur dioxide pollution or coastal  communities.
                      Distance between the products and the sea : Up to 3km
                      Length of guarantee Protect + : 10 years

                   C5 High : This category represents for example, aggressive industrial atmospheres (eg. Chemical industries) or atmospheres in coastal or maritime areas.
                      For a distance between the products and the sea of between 500m and 3km, the Protect + warranty period will be 10 years.

                   C5 Very High : This category represents for example, aggressive industrial atmospheres (eg. Chemical industries) or atmospheres in coastal or maritime areas. 

                      For a distance between the products and the sea of less than 500 m, the Protect + warranty period will be 5 years for fences and gates*.
                     *Warranty extensions are possible after analysis.

              This option is available for the following colours :
              -    For fences : Green 6005 - White 9010 
              -    For gates : White 9016 - Grey 7016 - Grey 7035 - Black 9005

          • Which fence to choose according to my requirements ?

            By type of requirement

            Your requirements differ from project to project. You may wish to mark out an area, protect an area, protect your privacy or enhance your property.
            To help you in your choice of products, we have put an advice guide at your disposal. This will guide you to the products that meet your requirements.  


            By type of application

            You can also find the products you need by type of application :
            -    Private houses
            -    Housing collectives
            -    Public places
            -    Tertiary sites
            -    Industrial and logistic sites
            -    Sensitive sites
            These applications are present in each of our product pages but also in the solutions section. Discover them without delay !

          • Which fence height to choose ?

            For your fencing project, one of the first questions you'll ask yourself is: how high should I choose? To do this, you need to find out about the legal framework that applies to your geographical location, and then define your needs according to 3 criteria. Discover our advice to guide you in your choice of height.


          • What are the 200 RAL that exist ?

            DIRICKX offers a wide colour range of 200 RAL. Discover all the colour possibilities for your panels, posts, residential gates, gates and barred fencing.

            DIRICKX has 6 standard colours :
            -    Moss Green : 6005
            -    Anthracite Grey : 7016
            -    Jet Black : 9005
            -    Pure White : 9010
            -    Light grey : 7035
            -    Stone grey : 7030


            Regarding the other RAL colours, please contact our commercial department.

            Discover all our RAL colours through the following link :   Download the color palette

            Green beige 1000 ; Beige 1001 ; Sand yellow 1002 ; Signal yellow 1003 ; Golden yellow 1004 ; Honey yellow 1005 ; Maize yellow 1006 ; Daffodil yellow 1007 ; Brown beige 1011 ; Lemon yellow 1012 ; Oyster white 1013 ; Ivory 1014 ; Light ivory 1015 ; Sulfur yellow 1016 ; Saffron yellow 1017 ; Zinc yellow 1018 ; Grey beige 1019 ; Olive yellow 1020 ; Colza yellow 1021 ; Traffic yellow 1023 ; Ochre yellow 1024 ; Curry 1027 ; Melon yellow 1028 ; Broom yellow 1032 ; Dahlia yellow 1033 ; Pastel yellow 1034 ; Yellow orange 2000 ; Red orange 2001 ; Vermilion 2002 ; Pastel orange 2003 ; Pure orange    2004 ; Bright red orange 2008 ; Traffic orange 2009 ; Signal orange 2010 ; Deep orange 2011 ; Salmon orange 2012 ; Sand grey 2800 ; Flame red 3000 ; Signal red 3001 ; Carmine red 3002 ; Ruby red 3003 ; Purple red 3004 ; Wine red 3005 ; Black red 3007 ; Oxide red 3009 ; Brown red 3011 ; Beige red 3012 ; Tomato red 3013 ; Antique pink 3014 ; Light pink 3015 ; Coral red 3016 ; Rose 3017 ; Strawberry red 3018 ; Traffic red 3020 ; Salmon pink 3022 ; Luminous bright red 3026 ; Raspberry red 3027 ; Orient red 3031 ; Red lilac 4001 ; Red violet 4002 ; Heather violet 4003 ; Claret violet 4004 ; Blue lilac 4005 ; Traffic purple 4006 ; Purple violet 4007 ; Signal violet 4008 ; Pastel violet 4009 ; Telemagenta 4010 ; Violet Blue 5000 ; Green blue 5001 ; Ultramarine blue 5002 ; Sapphire blue 5003 ; Black blue 5004 ; Signal blue 5005 ; Brilliant blue 5007 ; Grey blue 5008 ; Azure blue 5009 ; Gentian blue 5010 ; Steel blue 5011 ; Light blue 5012 ; Cobalt blue 5013 ; Pigeon blue 5014 ; Sky blue 5015 ; Traffic blue 5017 ; Turquoise blue 5018 ; Capri blue 5019 ; Ocean blue 5020 ; Water blue 5021 ; Night blue 5022 ; Distant blue 5023 ; Pastel blue 5024 ; Patina green 6000 ; Emerald green 6001 ; Leaf green 6002 ; Olive green 6003 ; Blue green 6004 ; Moss green 6005 ; Grey olive 6006 ; Bottle green 6007 ; Brown green 6008 ; Fir green 6009 ; Grass green 6010 ; Reseda green 6011 ; Black green 6012 ; Reed green 6013 ; Yellow olive 6014 ; Black olive 6015 ; Turquoise green 6016 ; May green 6017 ; Yellow green 6018 ; Pastel green 6019 ; Chrome green 6020 ; Pale green 6021 ; Olive drab 6022 ; Traffic green 6024 ; Fern green 6025 ; Opal green 6026 ; Light green 6027 ; Pine green 6028 ; Mint green 6029 ; Signal green 6032 ; Mint turquoise 6033 ; Pastel turquoise 6034 ; Squirrel grey 7000 ; Silver grey 7001 ; Olive grey 7002 ; Moss grey 7003 ; Signal grey 7004 ; Mouse grey 7005 ; Beige grey 7006 ; Grey green 7007 ; Khaki grey 7008 ; Green grey 7009 ; Tarpaulin grey 7010 ; Iron grey 7011 ; Basalt grey 7012 ; Brown grey 7013 ; Slate grey 7015 ; Anthracite grey 7016 ; Black grey 7021 ; Umbra grey 7022 ; Concrete grey 7023 ; Graphite grey 7024 ; Granite grey 7026 ; Stone grey 7030 ; Blue grey 7031 ; Pebble grey 7032 ; Cement grey 7033 ; Yellow grey 7034 ; Light grey 7035 ; Platinum grey 7036 ; Dusty grey 7037 ; Agate grey 7038 ; Quartz grey 7039 ; Window grey 7040 ; Traffic grey A 7042 ; Traffic grey B 7043 ;  Silk grey 7044 ; Telegrey 1 7045 ; Telegrey 2 7046 ; Telegrey 4 7047 ; Green brown 8000 ;  Ochre brown 8001 ; Signal brown 8002 ; Clay brown 8003 ; Copper brown 8004 ; Fawn brown 8007 ;  Olive brown 8008 ; Nut brown 8011 ; Red brown 8012 ; Sepia brown 8014 ; Chestnut brown 8015 ; Mahogany brown 8016 ;  Chocolate brown 8017 ; Grey brown 8019 ; Black brown 8022 ; Orange brown 8023 ; Beige brown 8024 ; Pale brown 8025 ; Terra brown 8028 ; Cream 9001 ;  Grey white 9002 ; Signal white 9003 ; Signal black 9004 ; Jet black 9005 ; White aluminium 9006 ;  Grey aluminium 9007 ; Pure white 9010 ; Graphite black 9011 ; Traffic white 9016 ; Traffic black 9017 ; Papyrus white 9018 ; Pearl light grey 9022 


            There are 4 matt finishes (Tariff price + 10 % + tinting charge of 500 € net if gate/panel/post or 300 € net if panel and post) :
            -    Moss green : 6005
            -    Anthracite grey : 7016
            -    Jet black : 9005
            -    Pure white : 9010


            DIRICKX also proposes colours with a textured finish (tariff price + 10 % + tinting charge of 500 € net if gate/panel/post or 300 € net if panel and post) :
            -    Anthracite grey : 7016
            -    Pure white : 9010
            -    Jet black : 9005
            -    Light grey : 7035


            For any other colour, please contact us.

          • What are the different types of installation ?

            Depending on your environment and your needs, you can opt for different techniques and different types of installation to install your fence: long embedding, short embedding, welded base plates or removable base plates. What are the differences? Discover the description of each solution as well as the associated installation advice to make the best choice: "The different types of installation" advice guide



        • Install fencing yourself

          • How to install my mesh wire fencing ?

            Would you like to install mesh roll fencing ? Do you need advice on how to do this perfectly ? Follow our guide 

            It’s pretty simple to put up mesh wire fencing.  However it is imperative to follow certain steps that will allow you to tension it well and thus make it more solid and durable.


        Don't have the answer to your question ?

        Contact our experts


