Planting 1300 trees in Congrier
After the planting done by 100 pupils of the school in Congrier last week, today the DIRICKX employees took their turn in planting 1200 trees themselves.
29th March : Planting by the pupils of the school in Congrier
The company LEROY PAYSAGES came to the school in Congrier on the 24th of March to explain the role of biodiversity by undertaking the planting of the DIRICKX trees.
Then, on the 29th of March, the pupils of the Congrier school came to the site of DIRICKX to each plant a tree. They were therefore taught the method of planting and they also decorated a large metal tree which will be placed at the edge of the DIRICKX field.
4th April : Planting by DIRICKX employees
The DIRICKX employees came together on the 4th of April to symbollically plant 1 tree per employee, or 1200 trees in total.
Symbollically, a tree was planted per employee of the group, so that it can grow in a framework of peace over the long term. This was the goal set by Wim Deblauwe, Chairman and CEO of the PICOT group. This planting, beyond being symbolic, has strong objectives of preserving our environment including :
- Reducing our carbon footprint by 32 tonnes/year
- The reduction of visual and noise pollution of the factory from the wall created by a forest of trees
The involvement of its employees in its plan to protect the environment is a priority for the company
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