A natural atmosphere for your garden​

Create your garden decoration, find  inspiration with DIRICKX mood boards and follow the latest decoration trends 

  • A welcoming place

    For a welcoming and relaxing space, you can opt for warm colours! If you have a large garden, they will give visual harmony, if on the other hand you have a small garden they will create a calm and enveloping atmosphere.​

    To match your furniture to those colours, choosing wood is the number one option: In fact, it is a basic decoration material, use a bright wood to lighten the space, or a dark wood to give personality to it. Don’t forget to add some plants or flowers to inject life into the garden.​

  • All kinds of materials 

    To organise the space, you can opt for copper touches and details on your garden furniture. You can also choose natural flooring (stone or wooden), don’t hesitate to add some plants in pots or small cactuses… All these materials and furniture will match a contemporary and welcoming style. ​

    Create a space matching your state of mind! Get inspired by colours that will nourish your creativity and imagination. You will then have a space just like you, where you will spend great moments with friends and family and make good memories.​

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